Crow Staff T-Shirts are much in demand.

The Staff T-Shirt is a visible marker of our unity. It's the official shirt of "Everyone wears the same shirt day" (which is the first and last day of every camp session).

The Staff T-Shirt is the team jersey, and when you put it on, it's a reminder that you belong, you're one of us, you're part of a team, and this is a good team to be a part of.

Not only that: these are high-quality, fair-trade t-shirts. We could make our staff shirts cheaper, but we like the look story of Joyya, and their commitment to providing stable economic opportunities, in order to help workers move from a position of vulnerability to security and economic self-sufficiency.

The Crow staff shirt makes me feel excited: it's different every year, but the same week after week, and I have such a collection of them now... marking years of being a part of this community.

And they aren't easy to get. There's only one way to get a Crow staff shirt: you have to volunteer.

Or ask, I suppose. If you ask, I mean, I'd probably give you one. Or if you got one from the lost & found: they do get lost. Or as a hand-me-down, or second-hand, I guess.

But the point is really this - there is only one way to get a Staff T-Shirt.

You gotta volunteer.

To get a Crow Staff T-Shirt, you gotta be Crow Staff.

Apr 28, 2024 By David Graham