Canoeing on Crowsnest Lake

At camp the COLTS are standing around the big map and planning recons for out trips! I am sitting at my desk reading everything I can get my hands on about what regulations will look like after June 30. One of these things is exciting and interesting (that’s the OT planning) the other is more mundane (and that’s me!). 


There are a lot of questions we have to answer. A whole lotta things to figure out. You’d think, as restrictions are removed, that Covid Communications would become that much easier... but it’s just as difficult. 


After July 1, Alberta will have (almost) no covid restrictions. I listened to Dr Hinshaw talk about what that means for Albertans, and during her last update on June 22 she said, “It also means moving at the pace that’s right for you. If you’re not ready to do something, or want to take extra precautions, that’s perfectly okay. And if all of us can approach others with compassion in this time of transition, it will make a critical difference in the coming weeks and months.” 


Here at camp we are uniquely able to put this into practice. We have no denominational affiliation, which means we are free, and also we are used to being thoughtful about our theological stances. We have a long tradition of, “I don’t know; people disagree about this, but I do know that God loves you… Let’s go talk to David.” Even more than normal, this summer is an opportunity to practice extending compassion to one another. Covid brings with it a whole pile of emotional responses. Let us be kind and thoughtful. 


Once Alberta has opened up, Camp will continue to encourage good hand hygiene, as we always have. There will be some additional tactics to mitigate the risk of Covid at camp: things like masks in vehicles when mixing households; maintaining ‘bubbles’ to allow for consistent contact tracing throughout  the summer; and keeping an eye out for updates coming from the government. 


Our goal is the same as it ever was: discipleship and evangelism in a camp setting. We’re going to engage that goal with gusto this summer! Let us not grow weary in doing good

Jun 28, 2021 By Bronwyn