2024 Lake Site Intermediate 1 Photos

Check out the Photos from Lake Site Intermediate 1 - 2024! Thank you to all the campers, volunteers, and donors who made this camp so memorable. 2024 Lake Site Intermediate 1 - Google Drive

2024 Gladstone Junior 1 Photos

Check out the Photos from Gladstone Junior 1 - 2024! Thank you to all the campers, volunteers, and donors who made this camp so memorable. Gladstone Junior 1 - Google Drive

2024 Lake Site Junior 1 Photos

Check out the Photos from Lake Site Junior 1 - 2024! Thank you to all the campers, volunteers, and donors who made this camp so memorable. 2024 Lake Site Junior 1 - Google Drive

Celebrating the Cozy Nest Cabins Renovation:

Motel Commissioning: Cancelled! (Or... Postponed...) I hate to cancel anything, but it seems like our best move is to cancel the Cozy Nest Cabins Commissioning, which had been scheduled for this Saturday, 1 June 2024. The interest in the event was...

Finance Update

Crow is a surprising place. It seems like every month, we spend more money than we bring in. It seems that way, and then you look at the monthly records, and... yep, something like 9 months out of every year, the expenses are higher than the income...

Staff T-Shirts Are Here!

Crow Staff T-Shirts are much in demand. The Staff T-Shirt is a visible marker of our unity. It's the official shirt of "Everyone wears the same shirt day" (which is the first and last day of every camp session). The Staff T-Shirt is the team jersey...

Cozy Nest Cabins Campaign

Cozy Nest Cabins Campaign Welcome to the Cozy Nest Cabins campaign, where we invite you to join us in creating a warm and welcoming environment in the newly renovated motel units at Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp. Our goal is to transform these spaces...

2024 Registration and Referral Process

2024 Registration and Referral Process The year has turned, 2024 is here. Even though the Lake is still frozen and the sun only reaches the lodge at 2pm (check accuracy of this statement), we are already thinking about summer 2024 when campers and...

2024 Summer Schedule

2024 Summer Camps.jpg The Schedule is Out: Summer 2024! It’s time to start imagining the summer, and your place in it: will this be the summer YOU come to be the camp speaker? Will this be the summer YOUR CHURCH directs a camp session? Will YOU...


Update: The CEBA Loan has been repaid! Image 2023-12-19 at 2.44 PM.jpeg Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp began the month with a project: repay our Canada Emergency Bank Account (CEBA) Loan before 31 December, so that we could take advantage of available...

2023 Annual Report

We hope you enjoy this year's Annual Report! We worked hard on it and are pleased with all that was accomplished. Thank you for being part of this community and your continued contributions to Crow’s mission. This year's report contains...

Well Commissioning

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” ~ Jesus ( John 16:33 ) Jesus was right - it's true: we will have troubles. But lately, we've also seen the sweet half of Jesus' promise: we've seen some troubles...

Mountain Jr 2 Pictures

Check out the Photos from Mountain Junior 2 - 2023! Photo Folder https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WJwbvTwH10GaROSdCG8XumEIX-4enuTE?usp=sharing

Mountain Intermediate Pictures

Check out the Photos from Mountain Intermediate - 2023! Photo Folder https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pTeaowSLfw2VGYz45ZRqlnpEbNyMh9XO?usp=sharing

Mountain JR 1 Pictures

Check out the Photos from Mountain Jr Mini 1 - 2023! Photo Folder https://drive.google.com/ drive/folders/ 1pcIdA7kNJbh7NuQCEWa1lwHNQlSV_ 14w?usp=sharing

Junior 1 Lakesite Pictures

Check out the Slideshow and Photos from Junior 1 Lakesite 2023! Photo Folder https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zG89759qbIN_vXfd_Jo1oAJ6No5i1kVY?usp=sharing

A Note for Funders

The law of your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces. ~ Psalm 119:72 Name of Organization: Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp CRA B/N: 118880442-RR0001 Governing Documentation can be found on our website here and here . ...

Rule of Life

“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” Proverbs 4:23 “Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks” Luke 6:45 “Rule of Life” (a practice associated with the communal lives of monks, and especially the order...

New VIP Camper Experience

Introducing the VIP Camper Experience + A New Crowsnest Lake Superyacht [FOR RELEASE: SPRING 2023] Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp is excited to announce our best update in the last decade! - possibly even longer! It has been a change...

Supporter's dinner Banquet

CROW Supporters Dinner Click here to rsvp to dinner and/or overnight https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScW8-kZeI3B4WMmR6bZ0JRQW_kfcini... Come for an evening of fun, good food, and stories with old friends. See what God has...

Join Our Team

11 September 2023 Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp is seeking a unique and talented individual to join our unique and talented team. After the departure of our previous Facilities Manager, we are left with the difficult task of finding a replacement. Our...

Job Posting: Registrar

Registrar Job Posting Our current Registrar, Stephanie Goodbrand, will be taking maternity leave this year and so we are looking to fill that gap while she is away. The primary responsibility of the Registrar is communication with parents and...

2022 Annual Report

Friends! It's that time of year again - a time when sleigh bells ring (are ya listenin'?); a time for Christmas Tree hunts, and yule-tide carols being sung by a choir; a time for preparing the annual report. As the winter blusters outside our...

2023 Registration

Camp Dates Back.jpeg I do not like making camp videos. Even when I do not have to jump in the lake, I don't like doing it. I didn't enjoy making this video about registration, but I made it anyway, because I was excited about the new potential...

The Gospel for a Silly World

"If you look at advertising... you might think that the most unfortunate people in the world today are the fat, the misshapen, the bald, the ugly, the old, and those not relentlessly engaged in romance, sex, and fashionably equipped physical...

2022 Training Dates

Crow is committed to training our staff and volunteers well. We have a few upcoming opportunities to participate in training that we wanted to let you know about. Our training all takes place at camp and is free of charge for volunteers and open to...