The (Final) Plan

Today is a perfect spring day in the Pass. It’s warm - almost “hot”. The trees are budding explosively, like they had waited together, conspiratorially, for this weekend, and then all together, all at once, push out their first neon green leaves. It...

Covid-19 Update: 19 April 2021

The 6 April Press Conference held by Dr. Deena Hinshaw was a strange one, if you are a student of these things. Strange, because the news reported - and the tone - was a blend of optimism and alarm that you do not often hear. On the one hand, we...

Covid Communications Coordinator!

I have worn a lot of hats at Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp. Most memorable being a vintage bucket hat, it was very cool. I’ve also worn warm hats and silly hats and many other kinds of hats. My personal favorite is a black five panel hat made from...

Covid-19 Update: 6 April 2021

I’ve begun generally to think of this WebLog as my own personal Covid Journal - a place for ol’ DGr to work out his feelings about the uncertainty; to do a little planning; share hopes, dreams, and aspirations. A place where I can demonstrate... we'...

Covid-19 Update: 22 March 2021

One year ago was the beginning. The beginning of the pandemic and all the chaos that went with it. It’s been a rough year. It has been a rough year, but Crow navigated it as well as anyone, I think. We’ve turned our focus to renovation and upgrades...

2021 Covid Updates

Latest Weekly Update The (Final) Plan Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp is committed to keeping parents, campers, volunteers, donors, and friends up-to-date on our thinking and plans for summer, and how those plans may be influenced by Covid-19. This page...

Covid-19 Rental Practices

In the interests of ensuring adequate communication with all Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp rental guests, please read and review the below Covid-19 Rental Policy. This Policy was adapted specifically from the Alberta Health Services (AHS) Guidelines...

Update #14: 23 June 2020

2020 Summer Outdoor Programs Stephaknee.jpg Hey everyone, this is Stephanie here. Many of you might remember me as the Registrar, and others of you might also know that currently I’m the Interim Director of Outdoor Programs here at camp while Daniel...

Update #12: 9 June 2020 - Meet the 2020 COLTS

I’ve spent a lot of summers at Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp. Here’s what I have learned: if you want to sound wise, you cannot go wrong with a paradox. So, in pursuit of (the appearance of) wisdom, I offer this paradoxical observation: change is...