Covid-19 Rental Practices

In the interests of ensuring adequate communication with all Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp rental guests, please read and review the below Covid-19 Rental Policy. This Policy was adapted specifically from the Alberta Health Services (AHS) Guidelines...

Memory Verse Program

Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp is starting up a five month Memory Verse program from October 2020 to the end of February 2021. This is a program that everyone is able to participate in and has some pretty amazing prizes. The best part is that it keeps...

Meet Yin Liu

Yin did COLTS back in 1990, and obviously had a lot more to learn, so lately the kind people at Crow have been letting her come back to do COLTS again -- ostensibly to instruct, but actually to learn more, as she follows the COLTS around in the...

Meet Stephanie Brouwer, iDoOP

Steph Backpacking.jpeg I first showed up on the scene of Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp back when I was an intermediate camper at Outcamp (Crow 2) which I went to for a few years until I was old enough to go on the AGOT. Having grown up on a farm in the...

Update #14: 23 June 2020

2020 Summer Outdoor Programs Stephaknee.jpg Hey everyone, this is Stephanie here. Many of you might remember me as the Registrar, and others of you might also know that currently I’m the Interim Director of Outdoor Programs here at camp while Daniel...

Meet Mackenzie Schalk

Mackenzie 1.jpeg Hey! My name is Mackenzie. I first came to camp as an intermediate camper in 2012 and loved the community and the outdoor focus. I continued to come as a camper for a few years and then came back in 2018 to cabin lead. God has...

Meet Logan Schroeder

Logan (2).jpg Logan Schroeder... The Logan Schroeder is a curious creature. His natural life cycle includes hatching and early development in the wide open prairies, then later in his development, Logan moves toward the mountains to find his mate,...

Meet Lanea Schroeder

Lanea.jpg Lanea here! A smidgen of my background: I spent my childhood romping in the cities and forests of Ukraine where my parents were missionaries. Always in the outdoors, I hiked my first mountain in Switzerland when I was...

Meet Jaclyn Knol

Jaclyn Knol What brought you to COLTS? Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp has been a part of my life since I was 8-years-old and came as a junior camper. I was only a camper for a few years but then later came back to cabin-lead. First as a...

Meet Noah Tainsh

Noah Tainsh.jpeg Hi, I’m Noah. I’m 22 and, when I’m not isolating at camp, live in Calgary. Some things about me: I youth lead, I just finished my mechanical engineering degree; I have two different coloured eyes (sorta); I enjoy doing various...

Update #12: 9 June 2020 - Meet the 2020 COLTS

I’ve spent a lot of summers at Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp. Here’s what I have learned: if you want to sound wise, you cannot go wrong with a paradox. So, in pursuit of (the appearance of) wisdom, I offer this paradoxical observation: change is...

Update #11: 2 June 2020

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. ~ Joshua 1:9 The impact of Covid-19 has been profound, even here at Crow. Starting way back on 16...

Update #10: 26 May 2020

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. ~ Philippians 1:2 Every week, I come to the blog to spell out what I think is happening, what I think will happen, and what we should do next. This week, friends, the shoe is well...

Update #9: 19 May 2020

Most weeks, there isn’t a lot to report, but this week, News! Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. ~ Isaiah 43:19 Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp has...

Update #8: 12 May 2020

And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14 I like writing these weekly updates, but often I find myself without very much to report. And this week is no different - the plan remains roughly the same as it was...

Update #7: 5 May 2020

A special treat this week, folks - to this point, we have been very Lake-Site-Centric... but this week, by special request: a view from the Mountainous Site, by our own Mountainous Site Director and Mountainous Man - Andrew Legg! Please do keep us...

Update #6: 28 April 2020

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. ~ Romans 12:12 As Covid-19 began, and even when the Crow staff began to realize that a global pandemic was going to have an impact even within the “Camp Bubble”, we still talked in...

Update #5: 21 April 2020

As usual, we begin with a passage from scripture: Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. ~ 1 Peter 5:7 Special this week, because it seems timely, a quote from Dr. Deena Hinshaw : The weather is improving and I encourage you to get...

How COLTS can operate in 2020

As discussed in our blog, everything at Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp has been cancelled ( read more here ) - including all of our own programming, as well as our rental programs and training sessions. We continue to cancel all activities on a three...

Update #4: 14 April 2020

In times of uncertainty, it is easy to think that the work is ours. It is easy - for me at least - to think that if I work harder, if I am more careful, if I read more deeply, that will lead to success for my plans. And so I remind myself, and I...

Good News #8: Easter Sunday

It has been nearly three weeks since the first of these ‘Good News’ posts was… posted. The project began because I wanted to encourage you: there’s so much bad news - overwhelming bad news - it feels like a siege, and I wanted to give a regular...

Good News #7: Good Friday

While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 Good Friday. It’s a beautiful day. Like many other beautiful days, it is also hard. The grief is heavy. Because today is a culmination; the day Christ dies. We can’t skip over this part. We...

Good News #6 Playground

Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people! Psalm 66:5 In 2018 camp put out a wishlist ; a funny little cross between a “To Do List” and a “Vision Board”. It was kind of an imagination exercise about what camp...

Covid-19 Update: 7 April 2020

This evening, Premier Kenney addressed the province, and gave a thorough Coronavirus update. It was an informative address, filled with ranges of numbers, as we have come to expect. After sharing the probable model, and the elevated model, I...

Good News #5: Spiritual Disciplines

“Today is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 Thaw Hello everyone! It’s your favourite blogger (Bronwyn)! Here to share some more good news. In this edition I’m going to share some of the spiritual...

Good News #4: Bronwyn & Josh's New House

Brondwyn's House.jpg My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places. ~ Isaiah 32:18 The Schulz’s are homeowners! I, Bronwyn, am sitting in my new dining room as I write. I am drinking coffee. My...

Partnership Announcement: SouthWest Alberta Bible Camp

Re: Acquisition of Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp EMBARGOED: FOR RELEASE - APRIL FOOLS DAY 2020 SouthWestern-Alberta-Bible-Camp (1) (1).jpg SouthWestern Alberta Bible Camp, (Formerly known as “Crow”) Acquired by Southern Alberta Bible Camp Successful...

Covid-19 Update: 31 March 2020

"Which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? …. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:27, 34 It has now been two weeks...

Good News 3: Something is Growing at Camp

Something is Growing at Camp… A Green Grassy Playing Field! I probably should have known… but this isn’t a small job. I was naive and thought we could just roll out some sod, give ‘er six weeks and some sunshine… we’d all be laying on our backs,...