Bursary Reference

Camp is fun. This is well-known. What is less well known is that camp is a terrific place to develop a resume. I know what I am talking about. I worked a lot of different summer jobs: I was a landscaper and groundskeeper for the Town of High River;...

Summer 2022 Schedule

Today might be the high point of the camp year: it’s schedule day! In days gone by, Schedule Day was no big deal. Now, there is intrigue, and curiosity. Well, I won’t keep you from it: here’s our plan for the Summer of 2022! 2022 Summer Schedule...

2021 Annual Report

Friends! Over the past several weeks, we have been flipping back through pictures, laughing and telling favourite stories about the summer of 2021, and preparing the annual report. It was a good summer. You'll see my picture in there. If you want to...

Religious Evasion

“Religious Evasion” from The Divine Conspiracy , Dallas Willard (Pg 201 - 202) “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, the one in the heavens” (Matthew 6:...

Open for Summer

Every monday, for the last couple months, has rolled around and with it came a certain level of dread. Because I knew I had to send out a little blog post and usually the little blog post had some tint of bad news. I do not enjoy being a harbinger...

T-9 Days

It’s Monday again folks. The COLTS are scurrying all over Lake Site completing their final exam. It’s an exciting time for them. They have all worked hard in the last two months to build up the skills they need for today. I am sure they are each...

A Note from your Friendly Neighbourhood Covid Communicator

There is something funny about the role of Covid Communicator. I want it to end. This is so different from any other role I’ve filled at camp. Usually I work my way through a week of out trip directing and leave wanting more. Covid communication, as...

Wanted: One Cook

Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp is seeking a unique and talented individual to head up our unique and talented kitchen team as Summer Head Cook. This 8-week paid position will be central to the success of all of our Summer Programming in 2021 . Our ideal...

The (Final) Plan

Today is a perfect spring day in the Pass. It’s warm - almost “hot”. The trees are budding explosively, like they had waited together, conspiratorially, for this weekend, and then all together, all at once, push out their first neon green leaves. It...

Covid and the COLTS

The COLTS have arrived. If ever there was a tell tale sign of spring in this corner of the world, this is it. I won’t disparage the crocus by saying the COLTS are more exciting, but it is exciting to see the COLTS arrive. Almost as exciting as a...

Surfing and Covid

I have surfed in Tofino. That isn’t related, really, to this week’s Covid Blog. I just wanted to take this opportunity to brag. Thanks for indulging me. Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp has had a few long standing acronyms. You got your leadership program...

Covid-19 Update: 19 April 2021

The 6 April Press Conference held by Dr. Deena Hinshaw was a strange one, if you are a student of these things. Strange, because the news reported - and the tone - was a blend of optimism and alarm that you do not often hear. On the one hand, we...

Covid Communications Coordinator!

I have worn a lot of hats at Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp. Most memorable being a vintage bucket hat, it was very cool. I’ve also worn warm hats and silly hats and many other kinds of hats. My personal favorite is a black five panel hat made from...

Covid-19 Update: 6 April 2021

I’ve begun generally to think of this WebLog as my own personal Covid Journal - a place for ol’ DGr to work out his feelings about the uncertainty; to do a little planning; share hopes, dreams, and aspirations. A place where I can demonstrate... we'...

Covid-19 Update: 22 March 2021

One year ago was the beginning. The beginning of the pandemic and all the chaos that went with it. It’s been a rough year. It has been a rough year, but Crow navigated it as well as anyone, I think. We’ve turned our focus to renovation and upgrades...

2021 Covid Updates

Latest Weekly Update The (Final) Plan Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp is committed to keeping parents, campers, volunteers, donors, and friends up-to-date on our thinking and plans for summer, and how those plans may be influenced by Covid-19. This page...

The Plan: 2021 Camp Schedule

Hello friends! It has been a while. We’re hangin’ in there - keepin’ it real - and we hope you are, too. Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. ~ Ephesians 5: 15 - 16...


Winter Camp Update... I am lactose intolerant. Yet I love milk. Unsurprisingly this has caused some grief in my personal life. One day, after drinking a glass of milk, I asked my partner Josh, “Hey, when you drink milk does it hurt...

2020 Current Projects Report

Over the past few years, we've made great progress on our To Do list out at Crow, but as always - more to be done. There is always ongoing maintenance, but we wanted to highlight some of the big projects that will help to sustain Crow's ministry...

2020 Annual Report

Well folks: here it is! The Annual General Report! We'd love for you to flip through, take a look at the pics, and leave a comment. Despite everything that has happened, we're doing well out here at Crow in 2020. Camp Happened. Pre-...

Video on Memory Verse Program

Do you want to win a two night retreat at camp for your church? Do you want to win a 50 dollar gift certificate to the tuck shop? Do you ALSO want incentive to memorize more scripture! Good, because you can accomplish those things by joining camps...

November Verses!

It's a new month which means new verses! We are stoked to start another month of our new memorization program! Check out our previous post for the rules and other information

Book Club

One of the consequences of being born in a Christian family is that I do not remember a time before Jesus. Jesus was like an older brother: he was part of the family before I was. I don’t remember when Jesus went from being “the way” to being “my...